Did you know it is normal for Catholics to have a living, growing love relationship with God? It is normal for Catholics to be knowledgeable about their faith, the Scriptures, the doctrinal and moral teachings of the Church, and the history of the Church.

Did you know it is normal for Catholics to have the fellowship of other committed lay Catholics available to them, to encourage, nurture, and discern as they attempt to follow Jesus? It is normal for the local parish to function consciously as a house of formation for lay Catholics, which enables and empowers them. 

Did you know it is normal for Catholics to know what their charisms of service are and to be using them effectively in the fulfillment of their vocation or call in life?

Did you know it is normal for Catholics to know that they have a vocation or mission in life (in the secular world) given to them by God?

These are all traits of Intentional Discipleship and we are all invited by Jesus to “drop our nets” and follow him, just like Peter and the apostles at the Sea of Galilee. May the words of Pope Francis help us to become intentional disciples of the Lord: “For me, faith is born from the encounter with Jesus, a personal encounter, which has touched my heart and given direction and new meaning to my existence.”

Will you follow Christ more closely? Will you open your heart and heed his call?